Mailman Takes Adorable Selfies With All The Animals He Meets On The Job

It’s not easy being a mail carrier. Not only do you have to walk for miles carrying loads of different mail and packages, but you need to do it in various weather conditions. Rain, extreme heat or cold, snow, etc., people still need their mail. But there is one perk of the job, and that is the friendly animals that you might meet along your route.

And let’s be honest, meeting a friendly cat or dog any time of day is always an instant mood booster. For one mailman in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he’s made a social media account dedicated to all the animals that he’s befriended along his route – and it’s just too cute!

Cristiano da Silva Antunes loves to take selfies of the animals he meets while on the job. What started out as a hobby has quickly turned into the Instagram account known as Carteiro Amigo Dos Animais, or animal-friendly postman. The page has turned out to be very popular with the account having 92K followers and growing!

Below are 10 of our favorite pictures:

1. The more, the merrier.

2. Dogs in hoodies.

3. Look at that dog’s expression of adoration!

4. Best buddies.

5. Cutest gang ever.

6. Big hugs with friends.

7. Feline selfie fun.

8. Someone isn’t that impressed.

9. This bird’s selfie game is strong.

10. Kisses for the mailman.

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