Lonely Street Dog Tried Following People Home, But They’d Kick Him

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Scribble was found wandering the streets of Manenberg in South Africa where the homeless dog population is out of control. Not wanting to be like the others, this sweet little guy would try following people home. It was the only way he knew to try to get their attention, and he wanted a home more than anything.

As adorable as it may seem to turn around and see a cute dog wanting to come home with you, apparently some people didn’t like it. When Scribble was rescued by Sidewalk Specials and taken in for a checkup, Vet Point determined his limp was from people kicking him.

Things were finally about to look up for Scribble. Hill’s Nutrition and the Expresso Morning Show wanted to meet him and bring him on TV! The big lights were a little scary for him, but he enjoyed meeting all of the people. 🙂

And the best part of Scribble’s story? A family in Johannesburg saw him and just had to have him! So the dog boarded a plane and made his way to his forever home. Thanks to the Expresso Morning Show and Hill’s Pet Nutrition for giving him his 15 minutes of fame and Sidewalk Specials for their amazing work in helping this good boy find the life he’s always deserved.

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