Who knew a tiny human could save a rescue?

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There’s a special bond between dogs and their human friends and there’s nothing greater then finding a dog that just fits in to your dynamic. That’s what happened between Nora, an 8 year old rescue, and little Archie.


Elizabeth Spence, Archie’s mom, loves taking pictures of her kids and has been sharing them on her Instagram for the last few years, but it’s only when she saw the connection between her son Archie and her dog Nora that she saw the beauty and security that a shy rescue dog found in taking naps with her son.


Seven years ago, the Spence’s rescued Nora from a puppy mill in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She was a 1-year-old English Pointer, born and raised in deplorable conditions and needed a big rescue. The Spence’s were all to happy to assist.


Coming into the home, she was afraid of everything, and it took a lot of coaxing to get her out of her shell. It was only when she met, now 11-month old, Archie, that she really blossomed into the sensitive and amazing dog that she is.


Archie, probably the cutest kid in the world, grew up around rescues, as the family in total has 2 dogs, 3 cats, and he’s got 2 older siblings, so he’s not phased by having a dog follow him around. He was drawn to Nora, and she became his protector.


Especially at nap time. In an interview with the Winnipeg Free Press, she mentions that she’ll nurse Archie and place him on the bed, with Nora watching over and the second that he’s down for a nap, she’s right in there, snuggling beside him.


What’s even more amazing is that Spence has become an advocate for adoption and rescues, using her Instagram photos of Nora and Archie to talk about the wonderful things that can happen when you save a dogs life.


Based on these photos, rescuing Nora was a brilliant idea. She loves her human and he loves her right back.

If that doesn’t getcha in the feels, I don’t know what will..




When they’re not napping, they’re always playing together.





Nap time looked so comfy, that soon Remi, the Spence’s other Pointer, joined in.






The cats would jump in on that as well.


The bed looks so comfortable, and look how peaceful everyone looks. Now that’s what I call the perfect entourage; cute kids and happy rescues.

Everyone deserves to be happy, especially the doggos.


Who’s ready for a nap?

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