Kitty Won’t Let Go Her Doggy’s Leash, But It’s The Dog’s Reaction You Should Focus On
Cats may be fluffy, adorable looking creatures, but deep down, they as as manipulative and as domineering as any villain known to man! They do not choose their footing when they try and get what they want, but they look damn cool while they do it. Because it is what they do.
Two dogs and a cat finish their day at the park. Their owner calls them over. The first dog obeys, but the second dog, Sammy, is on a least that is attached to the cat. The owner continuously calls for Sammy, but every time he comes, the cat’s claws on the leash pulls him back.
It’s called power and this feline is hungry for more! The only way the cat will let go of the dog is if another, more malleable subject comes along, one more fitting for his wicked plans (insert mad scientist laugh here).
This cat has managed to get a hold of his canine pal’s leash, and is refusing to let go. Because power is intoxicating. Sammy, meanwhile, seems pretty confused by the turn of events, but knows better than to challenge the cat’s authority. We respect you, feline authority. And just a little bit scared of you.
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