Kind-Hearted Pilots Volunteer Their Time To Fly Rescue Dogs From Kill Shelters To New Homes
These puppies didn’t have an easy start to life. They were found under a trailer at just three weeks old after their mother was sadly hit by a car.
Two pilots, named Dean and Bob, volunteered their time and their plane to help fly the orphaned puppies from North Carolina to New Jersey where they will be under better care and have a greater chance of getting adopted.
Once they landed, the pups were so happy and couldn’t stop wagging their tails. Now they are living with foster families and will be up for adoption once they’re old enough. In the meantime, they are learning how to be pet dogs and are getting the best care. They are loving life in a home instead of being stuck on the streets.
These puppies aren’t the only dogs who are flown to find forever homes. There are many rescue dogs being flown all over the country thanks to Pilots N Paws.
Pilots N Paws is a non-profit organization that “provides an environment in which volunteers can come together and arrange or schedule rescue flights, overnight foster care or shelter, and all other related activities.”
Volunteer pilot and plane owners work together with shelters to assist with animal transportation to get the shelter animals to their new homes. If it weren’t for these kind-hearted people, these dogs would most likely be euthanized. Now they’re getting a second chance at life!
Click here to learn more about Pilots N Paws and to read other PNP rescue stories.
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