Just a puppy still. Not even a year old. And back at the shelter a second time

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😥ROBERT😥 Just a puppy still. Not even a year old. And back at the shelter a second time.😡 Adopted back in December at 2 months and just 5 pounds. Now dumped in 8-27.💔

He’s scared with his tail tucked and stays on the outside part of the kennel and won’t come close. Listed as a Pit/ Shepherd mix. This poor guy needs a good human. Let’s make this the last time he ever sees a kennel. Please share to reach better adopters so these babies will stay family forever.🙏🏻

➡️IF INTERESTED, PLEASE SELF-SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT VIA THE WEBSITE – https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/adopt-a-pet/ ️❤️

Baldwin Park Animal Care Center
4275 North Elton Street
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
24-hr Call Center: (626) 962-3577
(Hit 5, 2, 2)
All Animal Care Centers are open by appointment only.

Shelter Staff:
Center Manager Maria Rosales MRosales@animalcare.lacounty.gov
Kennel Sgt. Frank Medina Fmedina@animalcare.lacounty.gov
Field Sgt. Brenda Leanos Bleanos@animalcare.lacounty.gov
PM OIC (Officer in charge) Gabriel Fierro GFierro@animalcare.lacounty.gov
Rescue Coordinator Rachael Acereto Racereto@animalcare.lacounty.gov

Source: Saving Baldwin Park Shelter Dogs

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