Just a homeless baby and she is terrified at the shelter
A young puppy, just 13 weeks of age, is already homeless and she is terrified at the busy California animal shelter where she is being held. The homeless baby, whose name is unknown, was taken in at the Carson Animal Services facility on September 18 – a video reveals her overwhelming fear.
Advocates for this scared puppy
The volunteer-run Facebook page, Saving Carson Shelter Dogs, wrote:
She’s scared and overwhelmed and she’s looking for a great family that will love and train her and have her live INSIDE their home. Please SHARE for her life, she’s SO precious and a FOSTER or ADOPTER would save her. Thanks!
Helping this terrified puppy find a home
You can help this scared puppy find a loving family by taking a moment to network this article with her adoption information.
Petharbor link here.
For more information about this animal, call:
Los Angeles County Animal Control – Carson at (310) 523-9566
Ask for information about animal ID number A5220147
NTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you’re in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application.
Video of puppy
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