Intentionally starved ‘Champ’ officially adopted: ‘I’m going home’

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The intentionally starved dog “Champ” had a joyous announcement on Friday morning. Who can believe the Laurens, South Carolina dog, whose photo of him curled up in the dirt starving, near death and crawling with maggots that went viral, is leaving his foster home in Maryland for his new permanent home in Delaware?

“Today the rest of my life starts as I head home with my forever family. They were very carefully chosen as apparently I’m pretty famous & everyone wants the best for me. I assure you all, I am getting the best,” had been posted this morning on the Justice for Champ Facebook page.

On August 14, the dog’s difficult journey back to life began with the financial and emotional help of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC. He had been the victim of a breakup, and the woman Champ had been left with to care for the dog, decided since he was not her dog, she wouldn’t feed him.

It was a long and difficult process back to health, but the sixteen-month-old pup had youth on his side and the best of veterinarian care. The dog’s incredible spirit has provided the momentum to forge ahead.

“The first new chapter in my life closed when I left the SC vet and made my way to Spencer & Cakes’ home in MD. Today that second chapter closes & boy has it been awesome to learn how I should have always been treated! My foster family loves me to the moon & back & I am only going to DE, so I will still get to see them!”

And now Champ is on his way to Delaware. Wish him well – this boy certainly has made that indelible mark of love in all of our hearts. Safe journey sweet dog.

“…They are coming this afternoon, so stay tuned! I can’t wait to see them again.

I cannot thank you all enough for your love & support & yes, they will keep up my page!

Love, Champ”

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