This Inspiring Commercial Of A Dog Waiting For His Human Will Have You In Tears

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There are just those commercials that brings tears to our eyes, and this one is definitely one of them.

Dogs Trust is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. They are on a mission to find homes for dog. Their mission is to bring about the day when all dogs can enjoy a happy life, free from the threat of unnecessary destruction.

Their new commercial features a dog with his favorite doll. But this is not just about the dog and his doll–the doll represents a human; a human he has long been waiting for.


This dog has been waiting for the human who he’s destined to be with. And everywhere he goes, he brings that tiny doll with him, he’s not losing hope that the human he’s destined to be with will someday come for him.

Watch the tear-jerking video below and see how it ends!

[youtube id=”IrJhlVODG3w” align=”center” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”600″]

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