If You’re Not a Morning Person, You’re Seriously Going to Relate to This Dog
Meet Nitro and Bowie. Little Bowie is definitely a morning person. Nitro… not so much. We feel for you, Nitro. And on Monday mornings, doubly so.
Not a morning person
What you can’t tell from this adorable video is that both Nitro the boxer and Bowie the Boston are deaf.
Both dogs live with Christina Lee, whose passion for deaf dogs was ignited when she and her husband adopted Nitro in 2012. They soon learned about the need for quality resources for deaf dog parents and quality homes for deaf dogs.
Bowie’s morning zoomies
Deaf Dogs Rock is an awesome resource for training and tips for deaf dog owners and has homed over 2500 deaf dogs since its inception. Check out their website and take a peek at the DDR Facebook page for more sweet videos, tips and training ideas, or maybe to meet your next best friend.
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