Husky Mom Leads Adorable Session To Teach Her Puppies To Howl

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They say Mom knows best, and as kids we always looked to our parents for advice and wisdom. And it’s really no different in the animal kingdom. The maternal instincts are there for a mother to lead and teach her babies, and the animal babies know who to turn to when they need something.

In the video below, a Husky mom thinks it’s about time she teaches her puppies to howl. So she starts off the adorable session with a howl of her own. It instantly erupts into a chorus of the cutest little howls, and their owner was lucky enough to catch it all on video. 🙂

Then about halfway through the video, they all finally go quiet when a little one decides to kick things off again! The tiny howl sparks a brand new howling session, and the pups seem to be catching on quickly. 😉

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