Husky Gets Very Vocal With Mom While Dog Sibling Wonders What The Fuss Is All About

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If you’re familiar with Zeus the Husky, you know he’s a very stubborn and vocal dog. I mean, he is a Husky after all! But Zeus ramps it up a notch and may be the most dramatic and difficult dog in the world. It’s all in fun and totally harmless, he just likes to argue. 😀

As soon as mom asks him about going on a walk, the tantrum begins. His dog sibling can’t help but wonder what the fuss is all about. “Why does he do that?” mom asks the confused pup. That look says it all!

Mom threatens to go without him and walks toward the door, and the fit finally comes to an end. Zeus just had to get that out of his system first, you know? 😛

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