Homeless Man Seeks Help for His Dog at Walmart, Kind Woman Comes to His Rescue
Homeless people who own animals often face criticism, but the debate should only exist when a pet’s safety is at risk. Many homeless people prioritize their pet’s well-being, ensuring they have a steady diet, warmth, and adequate shelter.
Wilma Frice, a woman from Houston, Texas, came across a homeless man named Patrick standing outside Walmart with a sign that read, “Dog in pound, need help.” Patrick wasn’t asking for food or money for himself but sought help for his best friend, Franklin, who was in the pound. He couldn’t afford the $120 to release him.
Frice described Patrick as a nice, gentle soul who had a hard life, and she was touched by his desperation. She gave him the money he needed to release Franklin from the pound.
Patrick shared his gratitude on Facebook after receiving help from Wilma. Her kind gesture allowed the homeless man to reunite with his beloved dog, Franklin.
“I’m just so shocked he is a wonderful man and Franklin is a wonderful dog I did this because I would want somebody to do it for me I’ve done homeless animals all my life and dedicated my life to them we all could be in his situation in the blink of an eye and you never know somebody situation or what’s going on in their life so I am not a very judgmental person and I never judge somebody by the cover of their book is until you’ve walked in their shoes you have no idea what somebody’s went through you should always pay it forward if you’re able because like I said in the blink of an eye you could be in the same situation I know how hard I struggle every day just to make sure that the animals have everything and will never end back up on the street again while they’re waiting for their forever home and I have been blessed in my life with unconditional love with all the homeless animals.”
Watch the heartwarming video below and don’t forget to share it with friends and family!
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