How Holland Found Her Beautiful Smile

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Holland has gone from sad to smiley thanks to help from Chicago’s Trio Animal Foundation.

They detailed her rescue and recovery in a recent Facebook post.

Dropped off at a shelter in horrible condition, staffers there called the rescue right away, hoping they could help.

Once acquired, poor Holland underwent a two-hour haircut to help remove the filthy, caked and matted fur. The width of it, they said, was more than 2-3 inches.

“A shell like casing of matted fur covered most of her back and it looked like an exoskeleton from behind. Holland’s matted ears dragged the ground and were at least 6 inches long… they should have been more like 2. The wet matted tendrils on her face wreaked and she rubbed her face incessantly trying to itch her irritated skin,” they wrote.

Thought the worked diligently with scissors, they made little headway. As Holland began to get stressed, they decided it was safest to sedate her for a surgical groom at the vet.

“This was the only safe way to free her from the prison of her own fur,” the post read.

Once freed, her rescuers were surprised and delighted to find she had no major health issues save the fur-related skin issues. At first, the poor thing had trouble walking and was in quite a bit of pain. Vets started her on medications for infection and pain so she could heal comfortably.

“After weeks of TLC, medical treatments and emotional rehabilitation, we are so happy to announce that Holland has found her forever home! Holland immediately bonded with her new mom and dad and they were head over heels for her… just look at the smile on her face! For that matter, look at the smile on all of their faces!”

What a wonderful whole-life makeover!

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