His Mission: Reshape The Way People View Pit Bulls

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Pit Boss star named Shorty Rossi really loves pitbulls. He said that he developed a love for them when he was a teenager and made a promise to make a mission and that is to reshape the way people think about the most misunderstood dog breed pitbull.

Lately, he brought three lovely pitbulls to a retirement home and how the residents react is a solid proof how adorable these dogs are.

When these awesome dogs arrived at Vista del Sor Care Center, all the residents were so surprised and you can sense how happy and excited they are to see and greet their four legged visitors.

Some of the residents joined the dogs outdoors so they could witness these very talented pitbulls perform amazing tricks for treats before they get to socialize with everyone.

The best part was when a man came near to pet the dogs, he was so excited and you can really feel how happy he is to meet the dogs. Just wow!

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