High School Cross Country Team Helps Shelter Dogs By Taking Them Along On Runs
A big problem with shelter dogs is that they’re often pent-up and get very little exercise. But the St. Joseph High School Cross Country Team had a great idea to get the dogs at Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter out and moving. Each runner would pair up with a dog to take out on their morning run.
Luis Escobar posted this along with the video on his Facebook page: “This morning me and the St. Joseph High School Cross Country Team conducted our workout at the County Animal Shelter in Santa Maria. With the help of Stacy Silva we successfully completed the first ever team Dog Run! Each team member was assigned a dog and we went out for a couple miles around the shelter. I am not sure who was more excited and having the most fun…the dogs or the kids. Either way, it was a great time and I am sure we will do it again sometime soon.”
Little Fred tuckered out early, but all of the dogs had a blast!
We hope this inspires more people to help out animals in need in creative ways. 🙂
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