Heartbroken dogs stayed with their dead owner until police arrived

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On Friday, Sally and Jack became the saddest dogs in the world. The heartbroken pair lost their treasured human after staying with him until police arrived to find the man’s dead body. The dogs cried as they were separated from their deceased human and placed in shelter cages.

According to the Louth SPCA Ireland, volunteer inspector Fiona Squibb posted on Facebook an appeal for help to find a home for the heartbroken dogs.

“To say they are heartbroken is understatement. Sally(as we know her)& Jack have lost their owner. He passed away yesterday and they lay with him till found. We took them into our care today. They cried so much on trip to kennels, then were so upset to be behind bars. It was just so sad. They are 8 & 6 yrs old. Bit over weight as owner in past while could not walk them. They will however have to be homed together. I know its long shot but is there anyone has space on a couch. They just sit with you as they did with their Dad. I know if Robert could have he would have taken them with him, he idolised them and them him.”

Within one day, the post has been shared 2,100 times, “liked” 1,500 times and with more than 300 comments tirelessly hoping to find a home for the bonded pair. The dogs are located in Haworth Rda Ireland. Anyone who can help with Sally and Jack is asked to contact Fiona at the Louth SPCA or email info@louthspca.ie.

Everyone is trying to help pooches. Hold on – a loving home is coming soon.

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