Heartbreaking update: Nursing shepherd and her puppies have crossed the Rainbow Bridge

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In Cleveland, Texas, a nursing mother German shepherd had been hit by a car and seriously injured on Thursday. Rather than giving up, she dragged herself into a ditch and waited. A strong storm passed through the area, but she was not able to move. One of her puppies had been reported to have died, but the others were no where to be found.

A Good Samaritan spotted her and shared her photos on social media. Who could help? After all, rescues are overcrowded and the costs needed to help the injured, starved and abused are staggering. Still ThisIsHouston stepped forward.

Her rescuers named her Mackenzie, and she was rushed to the emergency veterinarian hospital. Upon arrival, her blood pressure was very low, and she was administered intravenous fluids. Her injuries were severe, and a surgical evaluation with her veterinarian specialists had been planned for this afternoon.

Although her prognosis was guarded, Mackenzie had been stable the entire day, but later this afternoon her heart rate began to creep up again. She started to act differently, and the doctors called her rescuers from ThisIsHouston.

Mackenzie quietly and quickly passed away. We opted not to perform CPR so her body was finally at rest. She sure it it her best shot.


There wasn’t a dry eye at the clinic; everyone did their best hoping they could save Mackenzie. Some things, however are just not meant to be.

we’re just so sorry for mackenzie and her babies, wherever they are. They all deserved so much better. We hope they’re all together again romping in paradise.

rest in peace Mackenzie


Read previous coverage when Mackenzie was rescued here.

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