Guilty French Bulldog Does Walk Of Shame After Being Busted By Mom

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Maya’s guilty, and she knows it! When the French Bulldog is called out by mom, she does the walk of shame all the way over to her. The dog really knows how to pour it on thick and flash those puppy eyes, and she really deserves some kind of an award for this act! 😀

Mom returns home to find that her duffel bag is torn to shreds. And she has a pretty good idea who did it! Judging by the fact that Maya is all the way over by the gate and keeping her distance, it’s pretty obvious it was the French Bulldog who was up to no good while mom was gone!

“Get over here,” mom tells Maya. Mom tries to be serious to let Maya know that it’s not okay to trash things when left alone, but she can’t help but laugh at the dog’s guilty mannerisms! It’s far too cute and precious. How could anyone stay mad at a face like this?

You can tell Maya is so loved by her owner, and their back-and-forth reveals that she’s one spoiled pup! 🙂

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