Gorgeous Husky Had A Bad Day And Demands Cuddles

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Being a husky owner can be hard from time to time. They get stubborn, howl for no apparent reason, love to tear up the living room cushions and will absolutely defy your every try to make them go outside. But these arguments are void, because at the end of the day, we will love our huskies more than anything.

These furry and absolutely adorable goofballs can brighten our day in just a few seconds, and it is only normal that we do the same for them. Despite their bark, they are loving souls who just want to cuddle. However, every once in awhile they are entitled to a bad day too, and it’s of utmost importance that we give them some TLC.

This husky is the cutest furball you’ll see today. It seems that he had a bit of a ‘down’ day and the only thing he requires is some love from his owner. The owner does so by giving him a few scratches on his neck, but those don’t seem to be enough. He needs more and more and more and he isn’t keen on stopping them yet. This husky is in it to win it. But that is alright, his owner’s love will chase the blues away with additional scratches.

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