Giant Stray Great Pyrenees ‘Evades’ All Attempts Until Young Woman Steps Up

Rescuing stray animals is no easy task. It’s a mission filled with unpredictability, patience, and determination. Those who work in animal rescue, or anyone who has attempted to save a lost or abandoned animal, will tell you that it’s often an uphill battle. The animals you encounter may be scared, anxious, or even aggressive. Some are so traumatized by their time on the streets that they avoid human contact altogether. Megan Allen came face-to-face with these challenges when she set out to rescue a giant stray Great Pyrenees in a small rural town in California.

The dog, named Miles, had been living on his own for over a year. Megan first learned about him through a Facebook post detailing his situation. Immediately moved by his story, she felt a deep desire to help him. For over a year, Miles had roamed the streets, surviving on his own in extreme conditions. With no shelter, no regular source of food or water, and no human contact, the giant white dog had been fending for himself.

As soon as Megan read about him, she made the decision to take action. By the next morning, she was in her car, driving through the neighborhood where Miles had been spotted, determined to locate and rescue him. However, what she didn’t know at the time was that she was not the first person to attempt this feat. Many others had tried to rescue Miles before her, and all had failed. Despite numerous efforts, no one could get close enough to catch him. Every time someone approached, Miles would quickly run away, his instincts pushing him to flee from potential danger.

“He would take off whenever anyone got near him,” Megan recalled. “He was terrified of people, and the moment he saw anyone with a leash or a trap, he’d bolt.”

Miles had been living on the streets of this small California town for so long that he had learned to be wary of humans. It was clear that he had once belonged to someone, but it was uncertain how he ended up homeless. As time passed, the townspeople grew used to seeing the big white dog wandering around, but no one could figure out how to help him. Each passing day added to his distrust of humans.

For an entire year, Miles survived the intense heat of California summers, where temperatures often soared, leaving him to find what little shade or shelter he could. The harsh conditions only added to the urgency of Megan’s mission to bring him to safety.

Megan’s first encounter with Miles happened when she spotted him resting in someone’s front yard. She immediately stopped and began trying to coax him closer with treats, hoping to earn his trust. But as soon as she pulled out a leash, Miles panicked and ran off, disappearing into the neighborhood once again.

Undeterred by this initial setback, Megan continued to search for him. She drove through the town for hours, following leads and tips from people who had seen him. She found him again in someone else’s yard, and later at a construction site, but each time, he would flee before she could get close. It was clear that capturing him was not going to be easy. After six or seven hours of chasing him around the town, Megan was emotionally and physically drained. The reality of how difficult this rescue was going to be began to sink in.

The weight of failure was heavy. Despite all her effort, Megan couldn’t save Miles that day. The experience left her heartbroken. She had come so close, but it just wasn’t enough. She knew she couldn’t give up on him, though. Miles had already endured so much, and she felt a deep responsibility to ensure he wouldn’t spend another night alone on the streets.

Knowing she needed help, Megan began reaching out to others in the animal rescue community. That’s when she found Danny Spanks, the founder of A SafeFurr Place Animal Rescue. Danny was no stranger to difficult rescues, having helped save countless dogs in dire situations. Megan shared Miles’ story with Danny, and he agreed to join her in the mission to bring the Great Pyrenees to safety.

Together, they devised a plan. Danny, armed with years of experience and a calm demeanor, believed they had a good chance of finally catching Miles. The next day, Danny arrived at the neighborhood where Miles was frequently spotted. It didn’t take long before he saw the “big white dog” in the distance, wandering as he always did.

Using his knowledge of dog behavior, Danny decided to lure Miles with food—hotdogs, in this case. Slowly and carefully, he used the treats to guide the wary dog toward an area with an interconnected fence and a gate. To his surprise, the space was a dog park, a perfect enclosure to safely trap Miles without scaring him off. It seemed like fate had provided the ideal spot to finally end this long ordeal.

Megan and her friend Courtney arrived at the dog park shortly after, where Danny had successfully lured Miles. For the first time in over a year, Miles was in a space where he couldn’t immediately run away. Despite the tension and nerves, Megan and Courtney approached the dog with patience, carefully avoiding any sudden movements that might spook him. The moment they had been waiting for finally arrived when they managed to slip a leash around Miles’ neck.

The sense of relief was overwhelming. Megan couldn’t hold back her tears as the emotions of the long, exhausting rescue mission poured out. After all the failed attempts, Miles was finally safe.

With Miles on a leash and safely secured, it was time to take him to a place where he could finally rest and recover. Their first stop was a doggy daycare, where Miles could decompress after his year of stress and fear. For the first time in a long while, he was able to relax in a calm and safe environment, surrounded by people who cared about him.

But the rescue mission wasn’t quite over yet. From the daycare, Miles was taken to his new foster home, where he met his foster parent and a few other dogs. It was here that the true transformation began. The once-terrified stray who had avoided humans for so long slowly started to open up.

Over time, Miles began to socialize with his foster family, including the other dogs in the household. He went for regular walks on a leash, something that would have been unthinkable just days earlier. He even discovered the joy of a soft, comfy bed where he could finally sleep soundly without fear of the dangers that had surrounded him on the streets.

Megan stayed in touch with Miles throughout his recovery, thrilled to see him slowly return to being the happy, carefree dog he was meant to be. His progress was nothing short of remarkable. From a frightened stray running from everyone, Miles had become a well-adjusted dog who loved the company of both humans and other dogs.

Looking back on the rescue, Megan couldn’t have been happier with how everything turned out. Rescuing Miles had been one of the hardest things she had ever done, but seeing him now made every moment worth it. The fear and sadness that had once defined his life were gone, replaced by joy and comfort.

In the end, it was not just a story of a dog being saved—it was a story of patience, determination, and the incredible transformation that love and care can bring to an animal in need. Miles had been through so much, but thanks to Megan’s persistence and the support of Danny and others, he was finally home.

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