George & Amal Clooney Offer Unexpected Donation To Save Dogs From Backyard Breeder
Camp Cocker Rescue is a Los Angeles-based rescue organization started by Cathy Stanley back in 2007. As many know, rescue work is not only difficult, it’s very expensive. Camp Cocker was recently contacted about a backyard breeder dumping 9 Cocker Spaniels in the Mojave Desert of California, so they jumped on the chance to save these dogs. Always looking for donations, the rescue didn’t expect to get $10,000.00 in a single donation. After asking for permission to reveal the names of their donors, we learned that Camp Cocker had been blessed by the graciousness of George and Amal Clooney.
The rescue volunteers cried real tears of happiness, because taking on 9 dogs in one day was not going to be an inexpensive task. “It is going directly toward the vet and boarding bills for the new nine dogs we just took in,” Stanley told PEOPLE. “Each of these dogs has never been to a vet in their entire lives so it’s quite a bit to get them caught up. They all needed blood work done, deep ear cleanings, some had wounds where their nails had grown around into the pads of their feet, they all needed baths/grooming, many had matted hair that needed to be shaved down.”
According to their Facebook post, they are very grateful to the Clooney’s for their amazing donation, and they want to see if other donors can get together and match the amount. “We want to thank George and Amal Clooney for their unbelievable donation and now it’s time to turn to all of YOU to see if you can match it!!!!” urges their Facebook status. The Clooney’s donation wasn’t random, however. They have been long supporters of animal rescue for years. Back in 2010, George Clooney adopted his Cocker Spaniel, Einstein, from Camp Cocker. He came back and brought home Louie in 2013. In 2015, he and his wife adopted a Basset Hound from the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society. But Camp Cocker doesn’t want anyone to think they’re only in need of major donations like these. “We have a philosophy where we want to be very inclusive of all of our supporters and it’s important to us that no matter how small of a donation, every person feels like their donation is meaningful and that we appreciate them,” Stanley reassured. She’s certainly right – a little bit goes a long way for these homeless pups.
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