Gentle senior shepherd longs for someone to love him

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A gentle and handsome senior German shepherd is longing for someone to love him. The eight-year-old dog, Odysseus (aka Oddie) has been at the Los Angeles County Downey Animal Care Center since September 8.

A plea for this deserving senior dog

An advocate is pleading for someone to take a chance on this beautiful dog:


Oddie is a gentle boy, who is in play group.
I feel like he needs
Pizzazz in his life.
I think he missed some day at the parks
And petsmart shopping
And puppicino runs.

Please help this Dapper Dude get his full life now full of forever and fun
And large serving of love.

Your chance to help

Even if you don’t live in California, you have the ability to help this handsome senior boy. Networking saves lives! The more people who see Oddie’s adoption information, the better his chances are for being rescued. Please share this article to help Oddie get the help (and the home) that he needs and deserves.

Petharbor link here.

For more information about this animal, call:

Los Angeles County Animal Control – Downey at (562) 940-6898

Ask for information about animal ID number A5215340

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