Friendly Australian Postman Greets EVERY Dog On His Mail Route!

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In the dog world, mailmen get a pretty bad reputation. But, not because they’re doing anything wrong! If you haven’t noticed, dogs typically enjoy barking like crazy animals when the mailman arrives. Some of the most well behaved dogs even lose their cool! While I’ll never fully understand why this is, the postman in this next video has figures out a way to prevent this from happening on his route!Almost all of the dogs he comes in contact with seem genuinely pleased to see him! And to be honest, we’re pretty impressed!

He knows each dog’s name, temperament and even knows which dog’s he’s allowed to give yummy treats to… and which dogs to avoid all together! So if you’re a mailman (or woman) we suggest you watch this video and take notes! For everyone else, this video just might sway you into a new career. If you ask me, he makes this look like a blast! (And hey! Why can’t we have mail-scooters here in the US?! Not fair!) Check him out! He’s the Dog Whisperer of the postal service world! ☺

Just a forewarning, this video does contain some inappropriate words not suitable for tiny human ears. Adults, knock your socks off! Kiddos, ask your parents for permission first!

How awesome was that? Doesn’t that seem like a fun job to have?! Of course, maybe it’s fun AFTER you’ve figured out which dogs are friendly and which aren’t!

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