Franklin County Dog Shelter Seeks Help as They Hit Capacity With Rash of Lost Dogs

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The Franklin County Dog Shelter in Columbus, Ohio is in a real jam, as they find themselves filled to capacity with a recent string of lost dogs being brought in. They made a call for assistance, and we at Life With Dogs are more than happy to share the message for a shelter in need!

Shelter Field Supervisor, Jodi Kroeger, said that it’s not actually that uncommon for many dogs to turn up missing in the warmer months. Families are getting out there and enjoying what has been unseasonably warm weather in some places, and that means that there are more dogs about.

“The kids are outside, everybody is outside having a lot of fun and so the dogs are outside and they seem to get out and those kinds of things, so we are getting calls to come pick them up,” said Kroeger.

According to records, they typically see around 30 dogs a day brought in as lost or strays. This trend continues on throughout the summer months, and this can lead to problems like what the Franklin County Shelter is experiencing right now.

Kroeger wants to remind people of the importance of making sure that your dog is properly microchipped, and the information on it is up-to-date and accurate. They should always have their license tags on their collars, and that information should also be kept current. This will only ensure that if your dog is picked up by animal control or a good Samaritan out there just looking to help out, they get back to you and your family safe and sound.

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