Foster Thinks She’s Bringing The Dog To Meet Her New Mom, Then Cries When She Realizes It’s Herself
Nicki Clawson volunteers as a foster mom for homeless dogs through NorthWest Boxer Rescue. One dog that she was fostering, named Cookie, made a big imprint on Nicki’s heart. Nicki fell in love with the sweet Boxer and really enjoyed fostering her.
Staff at NorthWest Boxer Rescue knew that Nicki was a perfect fit for Cookie. Instead of adopting her out to a new home, they really wanted her to stay with Nicki. But they decided to break this news to her in heartwarming fashion.
They decided to make the adoption a surprise, with the help of Area Coordinator Jessica, and Nicki’s husband, Tim. They told Nicki that Cookie had a meet-and-greet with a potential adopter. Nicki then brought Cookie to “meet” them, but of course they didn’t show up.
Nicki was extremely disappointed, but was told to call the person to see if they were coming. When she looked at the paper and saw her own phone number as the adopter, she was initially confused. When she realized what they did, she broke down in tears.
She hugged and kissed Cookie as the tears streamed down her face. She was beyond happy to get to adopt Cookie. Foster failures – when a foster parent winds up adopting their foster pet – happen all the time, but this was an unexpected surprise for Nicki and she was very emotional about it.
It’s been three years since Nicki officially adopted Cookie, and they are still loving life together! Cookie even has another doggy sibling who she loves to snuggle with. Cookie is one lucky pup to have such a loving family, and Nicki is one lucky human to have such a sweet dog!
Watch the emotional moment when Nicki finds out the surprise in the video below:
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