Folks Hear Stray Yelping By Sewer, Peer Down & His Buddy’s Trapped Below

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One evening, as Javier Rosemberg and his two children strolled near their home in Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina, a peculiar sound grabbed their attention. A small black and white dog stood on the sidewalk across the street, urgently barking for help. Intrigued, the Rosemberg family approached and discovered the reason for the canine commotion – a fellow dog was trapped and peering out from a sewer drain.

The loyalty of the black and white pup became evident; he had summoned assistance for his stranded companion. Appreciating the gravity of the situation, Rosemberg and his kids called firefighters for help. Rosemberg’s son, Teo, took on the role of comforting the distressed dog, his gentle touch a reassuring presence.

The collaborative efforts of Good Samaritans, firefighters, and a veterinarian brought relief to the trapped dog. Freed from her predicament, the duo, whose origin remains a mystery, showcased an undeniable bond. Witnessing the two canines running and playing together brought joy to onlookers as they happily ran down the street side-by-side.

Thanks to the trapped dog’s faithful and loyal best friend, a beautiful life was saved! And, of course, this rescue wouldn’t have been possible without the assistance of Good Samaritans and the heroes in uniform. To see the amazing footage and the pups running happily down the street, click play on the video below!

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