Florida Police Take Mug Shot of Cutest “Fugitive” Ever to Help Find Her Family

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The Tarpon Springs Police Department have “arrested” and taken mug shots of what they are calling “the cutest criminal they’ve ever met.” OK, so she’s not really a criminal, but the police decided to take her picture and even took paw prints digitally, all in an effort to hopefully find her humans.

“She was very cooperative with officers and probably one of the most friendly prisoners we’ve ever had in custody,” said the post on the police department’s Facebook page. “Just a little short for her booking photo so she needed assistance getting to the right height.”


“On 07/11/2016 officers of TSPD captured Willow who had wandered away from home in Tarpon Springs. Willow refused to tell officers where she lived so she was taken to the PD where she was booked and photographed.

She was very cooperative with officers and probably one of the most friendly prisoners we’ve ever had in custody. Just a little short for her booking photo so she needed assistance getting to the right height.

Luckily, the owners of Willow were located and they came and bonded her out and she is home safe and sound now.

Good job TSPD!”

As luck would have it, the innovative approach to helping her find her family actually worked quite well! The police found her family very quickly, and she is now safe at home.

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