Firefighter Rescues Pit Bull Thrown Into Swamp And Bitten By Alligators

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A pit bull was intentionally thrown over a highway overpass in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana. She landed in an alligator-infested swamp. Officers from the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office responded to the call.

The dog had found a small piece of land in the swamp and was still alive. Together the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office, the St. Rose Fire Department, and the St. Charles Parish Animal Control rescued the pit bull within 45 minutes.

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The dog, named Ally, was pulled up by firefighter Eddie Simpson. Ally is in good condition but did suffer a few alligator bites. Ally is resting at the St. Charles Parish Animal Shelter, and if her owners are not found, she will be put up for adoption.

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  1. AliciA

    “If her owners are not found, she will be up for adoption”. Are you kidding me? If they are, adopt her out anyway and put their sorry butts in jail.

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