Fearless dog balances on motorbike sidecar as driver cruises

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A driver was baffled after he pulled up behind this motorcyclist with an unusual passenger – a dog standing on all fours in his side car.

The fearless pooch was stood on the side of the trailer in Hat Yai, southern Thailand, on May 7.

It had a lead around its neck helping to keep it steady while the owner was wearing a jacket and silver helmet in the Baanpru district of the city.

Motorist Anurak Manuson said: ”I saw this man driving around once before but this time I was able to record him. Every time he goes outside he takes his dog. She sits on his trailer and rides next to him.

”She didn’t have any fear even when the rider was going fast. Local people here know the man and dog for their love and affection.”

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