Emaciated German Shepherd Thrown from a Car Is Rescued & Learning What Love Feels Like

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When a dog has been badly abused, it’s even more heartbreaking to find out how trusting and gentle they still are. Because of the gravel in her wounds, it has been surmised that Anastasia was thrown from a moving vehicle, and was then on her own in Virginia for about six months. Despite this, she remains unfailingly kind, loving every bit of care being provided to her by her rescuers.


“They said she was shivering, and hopped right into their car,” said Jennifer Quesenberry, co-founder of Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue. “Considering the fact that she hopped right into the finder’s car, I’m going to assume that no one has ever stopped to try to help her.”

She’s starving and being terrorized by fleas, so it wouldn’t have been much longer until she became anemic.  Her claws are badly overgrown, and she’s in pain from them and her many open wounds. The gratitude she has for being indoors and having her ailments treated is crystal clear.

“She’s the most gentle and trusting soul. I’m blown away by this girl. She is skin and bones, completely emaciated,” Quesenberry explained. “The theory is she was neglected and then recently tossed from a car. They have pulled gravel from her wounds. She is covered in open wounds all over her body.  Possibly abused by a man, as she’s more trusting with women.”

In her current state and with the temperature having plummeted, Anastasia wouldn’t have lasted had she not been found when she was.

“It was 12 degrees this morning – there is no way she’d of survived if this amazing family hadn’t found her. Her feces is full of seeds and nuts…. She was negative for heartworms and tick disease. She has been given a three week course of antibiotics for her wounds and medicine to treat her ear infection. We did find a tumor on her lady parts, but that hasn’t been looked at yet. Right now our goal is to get her comfortable.”

Some interest has already been generated in adopting her, and a fundraiser has been launched to cover the cost of her medical care.  If you would like to help, please click here.

“She is now warm, loved and has a belly full of food,” Quesenberry said.  “Never again, sweetie. Thank you every person who has made this rescue possible!”

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