Duke’s family promised to love him, then they said they had no time

Handsome Duke, a two-year-old German shepherd, had a family not long ago…a family who promised to love him forever. A family who undoubtedly soaked up his sweet puppy breath and fuzzy puppy fur. But now that Duke is grown, that same family changed their tune and now, he is just another homeless dog waiting to be saved.

Volunteer notes about this homeless dog

United Hope for Animals has provided some insight about this young German shepherd:

Duke is a tender-hearted 2-year-old black-and-brown neutered male German Shepherd who came to the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center on August 18th because his former owners had notime for him. Weighing 57 lbs, Duke is a beautiful dog, with the classic good looks of the German Shepherd. He is confused and sad to find himself at the shelter with no family to love him.

Saving Duke

Duke is a handsome dog – a dog deserving of an incredible home and loving owners. German shepherds are incredible companions – intelligent, emotional and devoted to their families. You can help save Duke by networking this article with his adoption information. The more people who see him, the better his odds are of finding a home.

Petharbor link here.

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