Dogs That Are Hilariously Stuck
Some people find pets that are stuck to be cute. Others find it sad. Then there are those of us who just find it funny. Me? I’m a glass-of-stuck-dog-is-hilarious sorta fella.
The only thing more amusing than seeing these 23 photos of stuck dogs would be knowing how they got there.
“I say tomato…”
Where is this?
“Cat door? No, haven’t seen it. Where’d you lose it?”
“This is really good for my sciatica.”
“If if makes you feel any better, I’ve been pooping the whole time.”
Puppies get a free pass.
Lazy dogs can get stuck too.
“What? Like you’ve never done this before.”
It’s hard work breaking a cat door.
“I thought the room could use some more light.”
Sour grapes.
“Yup. Those are my legs. And I don’t know how to fix this.”
“My head was tired.”
“If he dared you to jump off a bridge, would you?” … “Yes.”
“I was looking for that other dog. Seen him?”
That other dog.
And when he gets out, he’ll still have peanut butter stuck in his mouth.
“Shhhhsh. I’m hiding.”
“Push me.”
“What do you mean, that wasn’t my sweater?”
“I’m resting.”
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