Dogs Who Are Getting Pretty Good At This Whole Begging Thing

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Chances are if you have a dog, you’re familiar with their begging tactics. But the 12 dogs shown below have taken begging to a whole new level. They’ve really learned what it takes to get their way! Who could resist these faces? 😛

“My dog, Rocky, takes begging very seriously.”

He’s so close he can taste it…

“My dog Tilly begging for toast in the morning.”

Taking advantage of the cat’s meanness. Smart.

“Different Begging Styles: Puppy Dog Eyes vs. Death Glare”

“I present to you Fred begging for bacon for national dog day”

 Better hand over the food. You don’t want to get fired…

“My boss’s dog begging for my lunch

 They’re getting smarter all the time.

“My dog has taken “Begging” to the next level.”

How could anyone resist?

“My friend’s new dog. He’s just begging to be petted”

 When you want something, never give up.

“My dog, tired of begging, slept off .. :)”

This one really knows how to work the eyes…

“Helped take my friend’s dog to the vet. I think this is the point where she is begging me with her eyes to go back home.”

Persistent is this dog’s middle name.

“My aunts weiner dog fell asleep while begging”

This could take a while, might as well get comfy…

“My boyfriends dog got tired while begging for food.”

 If he can’t have it, he’ll dream about it.

“You know your dog is getting old when he falls asleep begging for food.”

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