Mom and dad introduced a new puppy to the home, but wait a minute… this doesn’t look like a typical dog. Where’s all the fur, and why don’t they bark when they want treats? These 14 dogs are so confused about their new human siblings, but they still love them more than anything! 
Looks like me minus the fur…

Odd, it doesn’t lick back…

Is this what you call an alien?

Try one of those diaper thingies on me.

Those teeth are not made for chewing.

How is it walking on its back two legs?

What a strange bark you have!

There are no whiskers, but I do love kissing it. 

It doesn’t sniff back. It just lies there.

I must say, it does make a nice pillow!

Why is it holding me so tight?

Your bed and toys are similar, but those are not paws.

It appears as if it has some sort of artificial fur.

No, it definitely doesn’t feel like a dog…

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