Dog Surrendered To Shelter-They Hear His Age, And Know Exactly What To Do
It’s something that shelter workers see way too often. Animals brought to them by their owners because they are just getting too old, sick, or expensive. But when this woman brought in her dog, they were just in shock.
A lady brought in her 20-year-old Cocker Spaniel to the Carson Animal Care Center in Gardena and left all of the staff members shocked and devastated. Sonoma the dog is blind, deaf, and at the time he was handed over to the shelter, he had spent his whole life with just one owner.
Sonoma was visibly frightened and confused, and anyone was able to see that his heart was broken. Seeing him so depressed made everyone else’s hearts break, and no one knew what to do to help him feel better.
He appeared on the Pet Rescue Report, calling Facebook followers to share his plight with everyone, especially rescue organizations.
Because of all the attention the post received, the elderly loving and caring dog only had to spend one night at the shelter. The next day, rescuers from the Frosted Faces Foundation welcomed Sonoma into their wonderful home of family senior dogs.
According to the shelter, Sonoma’s tail wiggled with joy as he walked through the shelter doors, to his new life.
Once he was in their care, Sonoma received a good bath, and an ear cleaning to help heal his infected ears. Afterwards, he was given a proper meal, and was even given a little green bow tie, making him look very sophisticated.
Sonoma is living the pampered life at the Frosted Faces Foundation, and he is just the cutest thing ever! He is receiving all of the care he needs, and not to mention all of the loves he desires! Everyone there absolutely adores him, and the pictures are just too sweet!
If you are a dog lover and are thankful that this pup was then sent to this wonderful shelter to receive the proper care he needs, SHARE this post!
Source: petrescuereport.com
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