Dog, surrendered for getting ‘too big,’ is so stressed that she is licking kennel walls

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A dog named Happy is anything but happy in her current situation. In February, the young pit bull was surrendered to the Aurora Animal Care and Control facility in Illinois because her family thought that was “too big.”

Though Happy would love to be happy, she is stressed at the facility – so stressed that she has started to compulsively lick the walls of her kennel. On Tuesday, someone captured a video of Happy’s distressed licking and wrote:

I walked by Happy’s kennel today and found her licking the walls. She didn’t even stop when she saw me. It’s so hard to walk by a kennel and see a dog so stressed out that they’re licking the walls and panting so excessively that their entire body is shaking. It absolutely breaks your heart. Happy breaks my heart every day.

Though Happy is distressed at the facility, she is still loved – the same woman who captured the sad video wrote:

I’m here to tell you that we all think you’re the perfect size! A little itty bitty pitty is what we like to call ya and you’re about the giddiest thing here at City of Aurora IL Animal Care and Control! You’re a joy to have out. I love taking you for walks and watching you prance so adorably. I love romping around the yard with you. I also love your sweet, soulful eyes and pretty much everything about you!

If Happy was out of the animal shelter and living in a home, she would indeed, be happy. If Happy could enjoy romping and playing outside, she would be joyful. But alas, she waits behind bars – distressed, confused and heartbroken that her family walked away without her.

Please share Happy’s information and help her find a home.

Biography for Happy here.

Happy is available for adoption or rescue at Aurora Animal Care and Control located at 600 S. River St. in Aurora. Viewing hours are Monday-Saturday 12-4:30

Note: The beginning of the video shows Happy’s extreme distress and it is truly heartbreaking. Please continue watching to see Happy outside, and being her true, happy self.

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