Dog Reunited with Family After 5 Years Apart

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The Gutierrez family never thought they would see Cookies again.  After being apart for five years, with Cookies nowhere to be found, who in their right mind would think that they’d have their dog back?  Well, for this family, the impossible was made possible.

Cookies had been left with Jessica Gutierrez’s sister in New Mexico due to the fact that she was placed on active duty in Afghanistan.  While she was overseas, Cookies went missing.

Somehow, Cookies ended up in San Diego.  Quite a distance away from where she was supposed to be.  Thankfully, Cookies was checked for a microchip.  The information on it was checked, and Cookies is now home.

“I actually didn’t expect her to remember me, so that was on the back of my mind,” said Gutierrez.  “But she did.”

Cookies may be a few years older and have a few gray hairs, but as soon as Cookies saw her family, she knew she was home.

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