Dog Refuses To Leave Hospital Caring for Ailing Owner

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When 82-year-old Vergilia de Lima Gomes was admitted to a hospital in Sidrolandia, Brazil, her loyal dog followed the paramedics’ vehicle. As doctors tried to aid the elderly woman, who had asthmatic bronchitis, her dog stood guard outside the hospital, anxiously waiting to see Gomes again. Sadly, that day would never come.

Gomes died on July 28, but the dog remained outside the hospital’s front doors. Days and nights passed, but the dog refused to move. It’s as if he stayed, holding his own vigil after his owner’s death.

“He was looking as if waiting for someone and would not go away. He stood at the ready, looking in, waiting,” said hospital receptionist Olga Caroline Baldin in an interview with G1.

This touching story reminds me of the Labrador named Hawkeye who laid near the coffin of his Military owner, or the group of stray dogs who decided to pay their respects to the woman who had treated them with love and compassion. When owners pass, dogs must grieve, too.

After news spread of this loyal Brazilian pup’s actions, hospital director Wanda Camilo started receiving calls inquiring about how they could adopt the animal. One of the hospital’s employees has shown interest, but the dog is currently being cared for by a local pet store.

Let’s help find this dog a new forever home, and please SHARE this touching story with your friends and family and Facebook.

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