This Dog Is So Ready To Go To The Park! Watch What He Does When He’s In The Car!

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Dogs are so eager to go to the park. But who could blame them? The park is so fun! There’s plenty of scents to pick up, there’s lot of space to run, and you get to meet some friends too! Some dogs would wait patiently for their owners to take them to the park, while some dogs would even ride the bus solo just to go there.

Now this dog is so ready to go to the dog park! His name is Baxter, and his buddy’s name is Pluto! Once Baxter gets inside the car, he picks up his leash so his human could close the car door. But wait, his buddy’s leash is still hanging out and blocking the car door from being shut! So what this good doggy does is help out his buddy by picking up his buddy’s leash, and placing it inside the car! Watch the adorable video below!

Awwww…what a good boy! Now the car door can be closed and they can finally go to the dog park!

What does your dog do when he or she wants to go to the dog park?

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