Our Dog is More Than a Pet, He is the Nanny : Charlie the Beagle Trailer

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Meet our beagle dog Charlie and our lovable daughter Laura Olivia.

We set up a YouTube channel for Charlie in January 2013, as we began training him to complete tasks ranging from helpful (shutting cabinet doors) to amusing (bringing a can of beer and the TV remote straight to the couch). After our beautiful baby was born, we noticed his special bond with our daughter, and we began filming our canine companion as he helped us care for her. Charlie the dog was introduced to baby Laura the moment she came home. We taught him how to help change her diapers, swing her baby crib, and play gently with her. But the one thing we never had to teach him is how to love our daughter. Charlie showed us how babies and dogs can be the best of friends and he demonstrates that he is an important part of our family and the unconditional love and and joy he provides is immeasurable.


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