Dog Living in Drainpipe in Texas Is Rescued and Now Needs a Forever Family

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Meet our friend, Aster.  Aster is a little over a month old, and she weighs a little over four pounds.  She was rescued with the rest of her litter mates and mom from a drainpipe they were living in, in Texas.  The rest of her litter mates have found forever homes, and so has mom.  However, little Aster is still waiting for her forever family.  Could that be you?

As mentioned, Aster was rescued from a drainpipe that her mom and siblings took up residence in.  Neighbors first noticed mom, and it didn’t take long for someone to find that she had her pups in there.  Our friends at Rescue Dogs Rock NYC found out about her and the shelter that Aster and company had been taken to, and knew they had to help.

Aster will still be on hold for the next week, while medical staff ensures that she is in tip-top shape.  By the time she gets adopted, she’ll be up-to-date on all her shots, and will be spayed as well.  Despite having lived on the streets for a while, she’s actually in very good health, and no long-term medical care would be necessary in the foreseeable future.

Aster does just fine with other dogs, and is yet to meet a human that she didn’t like.  She does great with kids and adults.  No word was given as to how she handles cats or other small pets.  She a very sweet little girl just bursting at the seams with love.  If you’d like to see Aster’s bio page, click here.  If you’d like to see the Rescue Dogs Rock NYC main page, click here.  If you’d like to see their Facebook page, click here.

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