Dog Who Lived on a Chain for 6 Years Without Shelter Can’t Stop Sniffing Her Way Through Life

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Norica Prigoana, one of Romania’s best-loved animal rescuers, was trying to buy a used stove when she caught sight of a beagle on a three-foot chain in the seller’s yard. She didn’t take home a stove that day – she took home Lady instead! Now this doggo has a spectacular life, and can’t stop enjoying her freedom, sniffing out every little thing she can.

Norica spotted Lady tied up to a decrepit old car, the underside of which was the closest thing this poor lass ever had to a shelter.  She endured six long and brutal winters outside, but her vibrant spirit never diminished, and she instantly lit up when a pair of friendly eyes met her own.

Lady’s true owner lived abroad, and it took weeks of intense negotiation, but Norica finally secured her release.  On the morning of Freedom Day, she couldn’t get to the residence fast enough, and was overjoyed to see Lady take her long-awaited jaunt.

How felicitous that the light should create a halo around Norica’s head!

“Lady was amazed that she could run free to smell every single stone,” Norica said. “She met new dogs and cats and she was very friendly. She had no problem with meeting other animals, as she was so happy to be free from the chain that kept her hostage for six years without the possibility to run even to move more than one meter.”

Lady wasn’t the world’s biggest fan of her first vet exam or bath, but she withstood it with the utmost decorum.  Unfortunately, Norica isn’t able to keep all the dogs she rescues, and her shelter was packed to the limit at 150, so Harmony Fund sponsored her stay at a foster center.

“International adoption plans are now underway for Lady, who has only just begun to explore the millions of wonderful scents this world has to offer,” Harmony Fund said.  “Lady prefers to view the world through the tip of her nose, and today, she can’t get enough of the good things that are coming her way.”

“She is now very interested to see everything around her, but she is MOST interested in sniffing,” Norica added.

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