Dog left to swelter in Australia heatwave as owner goes for a swim

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A Good Samaritan found a dog left to swelter in the heat after he had been left tied up on Friday morning at Sydney, Australia’s Bondi Beach. The temperature exceeded 87 degrees.

According to Yahoo News, Ally Hensley, 37 and her mother spotted the dog, named Charli tied up near some garbage bins which barely provided much shade. Charli had been panting, pacing and crying. Ally posted a message on her Facebook directed at the dog’s owner:

“To the ba***rd that left his dog in 31 degrees [Celsius] heat for his summer swim – you disgusted me with your cruelty and your excuses disgusted me even more!”

In reply to Ally’s post, Helena Kotsiomitis posted a photo of a dog’s paws blistered from the intense heat when made to stand on hot pavement; warning owners what can happen to their pets during the summer heat.

“It’s not just the heat. The ground is boiling, it can burn their paws.”

Ally and her mom stayed with Charli for the next 45 minutes and stated her conscience just wouldn’t allow her to walk away from a pet in distress. They gave Charli water and cooled him down by slowly pouring cool water on her back and her paws.  Charli kept her gaze on the water – more than likely searching out her owner.

“I was furious and I could see the dog looking at the water. Her gaze was pretty fixed.”

The dog’s owner eventually returned. Shame on Charli’s owner. Many thanks to Ally and her mother.

Photos of Australia dog left tied in heatwave via Facebook Ally Hensley and Helena Kotsionmitis.)

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