Dog Who Only Knew The Word ‘No’ Learns What True Happiness Is

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Marley’s life got off to a rough start. For over five years, the dog was chained up in a backyard without proper food or water. His owner would smack him on the head for getting “too excited,” and the only word he understood was “no.” Marley didn’t even recognize his own name.

PETA kept in touch with the dog over the years making routine visits to make sure he had food to eat. They would also play with him and pet him to let him know what love feels like. After years of stopping by, the finally convinced Marley’s owner to turn him over to them.

And that’s when Marley’s life truly began. No more giant chain or dirty water. No more being punished for having fun or having to stay outside in the elements. After putting on some weight and getting healthy enough, Marley found his forever home.

His new owner wanted to make sure to give Marley the life he deserves but never had. He spoiled the dog with toys, treats, and bones and did everything possible to make him happy. And it helped to have a dog friend named Kyah! 🙂

Just look at Marley now running around in a big yard as free and happy as can be. No more chains to slow this pup down! Thanks to PETA and Michael Moss for saving this dog and giving him an incredible new life.

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