Dog Is Dropped Off At Shelter, But His Infectious Smile Has Hundreds Applying To Adopt Him

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A tiny dog named Cheech was dropped off at a shelter in Texas. When the staff saw the dog’s silly smile, they absolutely lost it.

At just two-years-old, Cheech was dropped off at an animal shelter in Waller, Texas. Since the little guy was so small, the staff at the shelter was concerned that he might be anxious and get frightened easily. Not long after arriving at the shelter, he proved that this certainly wasn’t the case.

As Cheech was hanging out in his kennel, the director of the City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue, Leah Sipe, was walking by and noticed the little dog making a funny face. At first, she was afraid that he was upset and growling — but it was the total opposite.

After noticing Cheech making a silly little grin, his face relaxed into the most adorable, sweetest smile she’d ever seen.

“I went into the kennel to check him out and yelled for the other volunteers to come look,” Leah told The Dodo. “They thought I was insane and that he was snarling, when I stuck my hand in the cage I thought they were going to pass out. He’s as friendly as can be!”

Leah and the rest of the staff fell utterly in love with Cheech and his precious smile. She decided to take a picture of him and post it on Facebook. As you can imagine, his adorable grin sent the internet into a complete frenzy.

The pictures of Cheech and his sweet smirk were shared almost 8,000 times. Hundreds of people sent in applications to adopt him.

Sifting through dozens of applications, the shelter staff wanted to make sure they looked at each one carefully. They wanted to ensure that Cheech was going to go to the perfect home. Soon, they came across an application from a woman who seemed like the ideal fit.

The woman had recently lost one of her two dogs to cancer. Dusty, her other dog, was completely overwhelmed with grief. She knew that a happy, smiley pup like Cheech would be the perfect way to cheer Dusty up.

The woman brought Dusty down to the shelter to meet Cheech. The two of them had an instant connection, and it was clear that the smiling dog had a new home.

Now, all Cheech wants to do is cuddle and play with his mom and new brother. The tiny dog’s award-winning smile led him to his perfect, forever family.

The original Facebook post that shot Cheech to stardom is below. How could anyone possibly resist that smile?

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