‘Dog on a chain here dying’: New York City rescue group comes to aid of desperate puppy
On Saturday afternoon, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC received a desperate plea to save an abandoned dog found tied to a chain brought to a rural Tifton, Georgia shelter.
“There’s a dog on a chain here dying if you want to come get him. He’s emaciated, covered in fleas, can’t stand or walk and his gums are white,” was the tragic message.
Unfortunately rural shelters do not have the money to treat emergency cases and without an approved rescue organization stepping forward to help, the dog would have to be humanely euthanized. And with no hesitation, Jackie O’Sullivan, the co-founder of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, made immediate arrangements to transfer the dog they dubbed “Bear” to the nearest emergency veterinarian hospital.
“We will not stand by and let him die,” Jackie posted on Facebook notifying advocates what had just happened. “He deserves better and he will get better. This is not okay – n
ot by a long shot.”
When Bear arrived at the hospital, his red blood cell count was extremely low and had he not been given a life saving blood transfusion on Saturday night, he would have died by Sunday morni
ng. Bear was so anemic and dehydrated, staff veterinarians had difficulty finding a vein for intravenous support. Early this morning, Bear began
to eat and was able to stand for a short time; all good signs. The sweet dog continues his fight to live.
To help Bear and other emergency cases that continue to come into Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, PayPal: Donate@rescuedogsrocknyc.org or www.rescuedogsrocknyc.org/donate/ or mail: RDR NYC PO BOX 101 NY NY 10028
(Photos and video of Bear – the dog on a chain courtesy of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC)
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