Dog Accidentally Buried Alive Digs Her Way Out of Her Grave

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Sure, zombies are all the rage, but zombie dogs?  This sounds like something straight out of The Walking Dead.  But it really happened.

About a month ago, a stray Washington dog was struck by a car.  Because she was so badly injured, someone attempted a mercy killing and buried her.  However, Theia wasn’t dead, and actually dug herself out of her grave.   And there’s even more to this amazing story!

Theia is a neighborhood dog in the Moses Lake area of Washington state.  She belongs to no one, but residents look out for her and give her food.  In February, she was struck by a car and left for dead.  One of the neighbors believed nothing could be done, and to put her out of her misery, they struck her on the head with a hammer and buried her.

Four days later, residents were stunned to see Theia wandering the streets, wagging her tail and looking for help.

“Considering everything that she’s been through, she’s incredibly gentle and loving,” Sara Mellado told KHQ.  “She’s a true miracle dog and she deserves a good life.”

deserves a good life.” 2

Sara, who took the poor dog in after reading about her sad story on Facebook, asked a friend to take her to Washington State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital for treatment.  After learning what happened, the hospital’s Good Samaritan Fund committee decided to donate $700 toward Theia’s care.

Even though Theia arrived at the hospital with a caved-in sinus cavity, dislocated jaw, and leg injuries, she has been an absolute delight.  Her tail wags constantly and she showers everyone she meets with kisses.  She’s so cheery that most don’t even know there’s anything wrong with her.  Until she sleeps, that is.

A CT scan showed that she has nasopharyngeal stenosis from the hammer strike, which restricts Theia’s airflow.  Because of this, she is unable to sleep very well.

“From what I’ve been able to piece together from talking to him and other people who had contact with Theia, her injuries to the sinus cavity were caused by hammer blows to her head,” Mellado said. “I’m assuming that the person who did this meant to put her out of her misery, but I’m still horrified by the carelessness of the act.”


To correct this problem, Theia must undergo surgery where doctors will insert a stent to help her breathe. The operation is expensive, so an online fundraiser was launched with a $10,000 goal. Because of so much news coverage, over $16,000 has been raised in a month! Mellado was flabbergasted by the overwhelming amount of support, and kindly thanked her benefactors.

“First, I want to say thanks again for all the support and donations. I really cannot say thank you enough! I have received many e-mails and inquiries regarding her adoption and I wanted to say that I have not yet placed her into a home. Right now my first priority is making sure she receives the medical treatment and care and is on the mend before sending her to her forever home. I have saved all the inquiries and plan on e-mailing as many people as I can back with updates and information. I plan on starting a Facebook page as well since I also receive many inquiries about keeping updated on her progress. I will also do my best to post additional donation options such as donations to WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital. A trust will also be created in her name to cover all medical expenses and her expenses going forward and once is all said in done, all left over proceeds WILL be paid forward.

“Again, I cannot say thank you enough! This is all so generous and just absolutely amazing and I will admit that tears of joy and appreciation have flowed a few times in the last couple days.”


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  1. monica

    It makes me mad somebody hit her with a hammer and burner and injury.Those people are monster that shuold go to jail for this.She is beautiful dog I am happy that people raise money to help her to get well and she happy girl and have a wonderful life.

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