Dog Abandoned in a Cardboard Box Finds Rescue in Kind-hearted Neighbors Who Couldn’t Turn a Blind Eye
He offered love, but it was sadly unreturned…
Sadly, the sight of dogs being abandoned by their owners is becoming all too common across the United States. Left to fend for themselves, these animals often end up heartbroken and in physical distress. Joey, a dog left to his fate in a Miami neighborhood, was one such casualty of such carelessness.
Joey was discovered by Julian Rovito, a local resident, living in a makeshift doghouse made from a box, accompanied only by a few blankets and a tray of water. Julian shared with Reshareworthy.com, “We found him in the neighborhood on a corner in a homemade dog house constructed out of a box.” This dire situation was brought to light via a neighborhood blog, rallying a group of compassionate neighbors to Joey’s aid.
Initially, Joey was understandably wary of any human interaction. The group of neighbors took care to meet his immediate needs, covering his cardboard box with a tarp to shield him from rain, providing additional blankets, and ensuring he had food and water. They also kept a watchful eye on him.
Eventually, after a few days, they were able to gain Joey’s trust enough to transport him to Alton Road Animal Hospital using a box and some food as a lure.
As expected, Joey has a few health complications stemming from his prolonged neglect. But, thanks to generous donations from animal lovers and the dedicated veterinarians at the hospital, Joey’s future seems to be looking significantly brighter.
The Animal Recovery Mission, a Miami-based rescue organization, has also stepped up to offer assistance. “Animal Recovery Mission is guiding and helping us along the way… They will assist us in finding him a foster home for his continued recovery,” Julian shared. Thanks to the efforts of the Animal Recovery Mission, Joey didn’t have to wait long to transition from his foster home to a forever home.
Joey’s new mom, Cynthia Cruz Ortiz, shared an update on Facebook after welcoming him home, “Joey is winding down. At first, he just wanted to sit by his bowl and relax. Then he joined us on the screen porch. He has finally settled on his new cushion and is getting ready to unwind for the day. He’s handling everything incredibly. He’s amazing.”
This story is a heartwarming testament to Julian and the neighbors who banded together to help Joey in his hour of need. Their empathy and action show that community spirit can indeed make a difference.
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the most!
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