Dirty Dog: Cute Husky’s Family Returns Home to Epic Mess

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Go to the movies without me, will you?

It’s something the family of this adorable husky puppy might reconsider after it somehow got into the calligraphy ink. What followed was a canine version of those old Arthur Murray dance patterns – perhaps one best suited for a mosh pit.


Go to the movies without me, will you?

It’s something the family of this adorable husky puppy might reconsider after it somehow got into the calligraphy ink. What followed was a canine version of those old Arthur Murray dance patterns – perhaps one best suited for a mosh pit.


The massive pool of ink (clearly this little guy doesn’t mind getting his feet wet) became a fount of dog-spun modern art, the preponderance of paw prints perhaps representing a life of disarray, a scathing social commentary on consumerism or, more likely, an indication that someone should probably be crated when his family feels like catching a matinee.


Commenters had great fun with the series, which was posted on Imgur.

“You’ve trained him well – he stayed off the furniture,” read one.

“You sure he did it?” said another.

“He is Jackson Pawlock,” may have been the winner


Though in the midst of a redecorating rampage, it seemed that when he got reached the bed, he remembered that he wasn’t allowed on.  Thankfully, calligraphy ink is both non-toxic and not permanent, so his owner was able to get the floors completely clean.


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